Every family has to deal with challenges, and some are unavoidable. Starting a family is not a fairy tale and when these challenges arise, there are some simple techniques that you can do to combat these with ease.

Every person has flaws and so does every family. But the problems you might be facing are quite common even if you think you have got the worst scenario of all.

These are the most common family problems and how you can handle them.

  1. Arguments

There are arguments that clear the air and then, their ones that turn into a screaming match. This sort of arguments enhances the negative vibe in the room and become more frustrating than rationale. Sometimes, in a relationship, it is all about how you are arguing instead of what you are arguing about.

To get a better outcome of an argument is to have a discussion -stay calm and do not raise your voice to the point of shouting. It is also the space that you enter, to have a more peaceful argument it is good to step back away from the person. If you do not follow these, you will find that the argument just turns into who is better and who is has the better point.

  1. Parenting decisions and beliefs

Most of the time, family arguments are about schooling, beliefs, chores or changes to the environment that not all family agrees on. And especially when a parent tries to change or alter a child’s environment without permission. It’s okay to have a disagreement about these things as you are all separate individuals, but such family issues shouldn’t destroy your relationship.

Make a habit of always discussing issues with the family altogether and asking them their opinion. Try to be open with everyone about decisions and explain the ‘why’ first and how it benefits the individual or family.

  1. Balancing Home and Work-Life

Life can be hectic sometimes, and it becomes unfair when your family suffers from work and lifestyle demands. Every person in the family has dreams and goals that they want to achieve and the last thing that you want is to stop these from happening. And most of your decisions you are doing this for your family, but most of the time they do not understand.

Managing your time is key here, and quality family time is essential to ensure that your family does not feel neglected. A few rules you should follow is for that every bit of time that you do for work, you do your family, and then one for yourself. Your family spells love, T.I.M.E.

  1. Being Organised

Getting yourself organised is hard enough, and now you must get all your family organised as well. The crazy train is inevitable and can cause arguments that are beyond repair.

Several apps can help with scheduling, taking notes, chores or could keep you on a routine. Even setting an alarm or timers is helpful. Just remember there needs to be one person that keeps everyone motivated and on track. If it is you, then you need to step up and set the guidelines for the rest.

  1. Proper Communication

Communication is an issue for all relationships, and if you cannot learn to communicate effectively, you will see that relationships cannot grow.

When communicating to your family, become a good listen, fully focus on the speaker, and avoid interrupting the speaker. In any conversation, the speaker ‘would like to be heard’. If you control the communication by creating some habits where you are engaged in your family opinions and life, then your family will be comfortable to openly come to you with issues.

  1. A Member Is Suffering from Mental Illness

When one of the family members is suffering from mental illness, it is one of the hardest family issues to handle. Mental Health should never be ignored or put ‘under the rug’. As a family, you will need to offer support either with your own actions or to seek a professional.

With any individual support, remain calm and be patient.


WAYS offers free counselling services for young people and their families. If you would like to talk to someone, please call us on 9365 2500.


What's On at WAYS

WAYS Secondary is at Bondi Beach from 9:30am - 3:15pm during school terms.

WAYS Youth Training provides vocational training (Certificate II, III, IV & Diplomas) every day from 09:00am - 3:30pm at Bondi Junction.

WAYS OOSH (After school care) is open every day from 3:00pm - 6:30pm during school terms.

WAYS OOSH (vacation care) is open every day from 08:00am - 6:00pm during school holidays. 


WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm



WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm-6:30pm

WAYS Secondary  Bondi Beach 9.4am - 3.15pm 



Free Counselling and Case Management FOR MORE INFO

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm

WAYS  OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm


Free Counselling and Case Management FOR MORE INFO

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm

WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm




WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15 pm

WAYS OOSH 3pm - 6:30pm



Youth Space Drop In recommencing Summer 2022/2023

Venue Hire Avaliable Saturday & Sunday