It’s Monday morning and you either totally forgot that it was Monday, and your alarm goes off, or you have had the most amazing weekend that you didn’t want to end.
Mondayitis is not uncommon and when you are dragging yourself out of bed or dying to get that cup of coffee for your morning prep; just know that you are now alone. This can cause feelings of sadness, apathy, dread, and distress.
Getting past Mondayitis is the best way to start the week. Here are a few ways to help:
- Set your attitude.
The one thing that you can change easily is your attitude. If you start the week frustrated, overwhelmed, and procrastinating it is more likely that the rest of the week will be the same. Setting a positive and productive attitude will give you a feeling of accomplishment by helping with kicking those weekly goals before you have even walked out the door. And despite not having your coffee yet, you will find that the coffee is only an added bonus to your buzz.
- Kick goals first thing
Goal setting has been the fundamental reasons behind the most successful stories and people in history. When you come to a Monday if you immediately start on a goal that you have set, it makes the day easier to manage. If you start off the day daydreaming about what you did on the weekend and go and make breakfast for 30 mins before you start, this will probably be the same mindset that you have the whole week.
Start your Monday with a list of things that need to get done and prepare each task one step at a time. These goals will help you feel more productive, and by the time lunchtime hits, you will feel like Monday morning is well-forgotten.
- Prepare yourself for Monday.
“I will get to it next week” is the main cause of Mondayitis. If you prepare yourself with lists or even reminders, these actions will help give you a new leap in life when Monday comes around.
Get cracking with a to-do list, a schedule for the day or an agenda that you can roll over into next week. Another way is to start on Monday’s tasks on a Friday afternoon instead, your past self is already prepared future self for the task ahead.
- Stick to a sleep routine
Sleep is especially important and keeping to a sleep routine is equally important. This does not mean you go to bed at 8:30 pm every night, no matter what. No, what it means is you at least give your self 8 plus hours of sleep for Monday morning. The feeling of Mondayitis is your mind and body telling you that you are not sleeping enough and when you do not sleep your lack of energy kicks in. If you are already yawning on a Monday morning, then that means that the rest of the week will be the same.
- Plan something for yourself
Work-Life Balance was the new buzz word in the ’00s. But is relevant still today. Make sure that with every task you set on a Monday, you have something to look forward to after it has been done or even a reward on the weekend. This could mean planning in advance, or just scheduling in a day that you will give yourself a reward.
Working through Monday and knowing that you are catching up with friends, party on the weekend, seeing a movie or even shopping for new clothes, will help with getting through the Monday knowing that something good is coming.
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