Building Independence Through WAYS OOSH Activities

Building Independence Through WAYS OOSH Activities

Independence is like a superpower for children—it helps them tackle life’s challenges with confidence, resilience, and a sense of adventure. At WAYS OOSH (Out of School Hours Care), we create a space where children can stretch their wings, explore new skills, and...
Friendship and Fun: Helping Tweens Thrive Through Activities

Friendship and Fun: Helping Tweens Thrive Through Activities

Tweens are in that magical, slightly awkward phase between childhood and full-on teenhood. It’s a time of discovery—figuring out who they are, what they like, and, let’s be honest, what they don’t like (probably homework). It’s also when friendships start to mean the...

What's On at WAYS

WAYS Secondary is at Bondi Beach from 9:30am - 3:15pm during school terms.

WAYS Youth Training provides vocational training (Certificate II, III, IV & Diplomas) every day from 09:00am - 3:30pm at Bondi Junction.

WAYS OOSH (After school care) is open every day from 3:00pm - 6:30pm during school terms.

WAYS OOSH (vacation care) is open every day from 08:00am - 6:00pm during school holidays. 


WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm



WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm-6:30pm

WAYS Secondary  Bondi Beach 9.4am - 3.15pm 



Free Counselling and Case Management FOR MORE INFO

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm

WAYS  OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm


Free Counselling and Case Management FOR MORE INFO

WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15pm

WAYS OOSH Bondi Beach 3pm - 6:30pm




WAYS Secondary Bondi Beach 9.45am - 3.15 pm

WAYS OOSH 3pm - 6:30pm



Youth Space Drop In recommencing Summer 2022/2023

Venue Hire Avaliable Saturday & Sunday